Apollo Flooring Blog
Read about our latest projects as well as news and views from the flooring industry.

Commercial flooring installation in Manchester 10.09.18
We recently took on a job at the Soreen Head Office in Manchester to install commercial flooring. Initially we installed vinyl floor in staff areas including the canteen and dining hall and then at a later date returned to complete the foyer area and staff office corridors.Click Here For More Info

Healthcare flooring installation in Chesterfield 10.01.19
At Apollo Flooring we provide flooring installation to a range of industries including the healthcare sector. In early 2019 we worked at Newbold Surgery in Chesterfield where we installed Polyflor Forest FX throughout the clinical rooms whilst office areas were carpeted with Gradus Latour carpet tiles.Click Here For More Info

Shop Flooring installation in Reading 07.11.17
Our latest shop flooring installation has been at a Charity shop in Reading. As with all shop flooring, it was important to choose a style which would look good as well as be able to withstand a busy footfall. The customer chose Moduleo Summer Oak and Jaymart Polyrib matting for the entrance.Click Here For More Info

Classroom Flooring Case Study 14.09.17
We receive a lot of requests from schools for classroom flooring, this particular job which was carried out at a Primary School in Nottingham over the Summer, is now complete and was ready well in time for the start of the new school term.Click Here For More Info