Shop Flooring installation in Reading 07.11.17
BackOur latest shop flooring installation has been at a Charity shop in Reading. As with all shop flooring, it was important to choose a style which would look good as well as be able to withstand a busy footfall. The customer chose Moduleo Summer Oak and Jaymart Polyrib matting for the entrance.
Moduleo flooring makes it possible to re-create a warm and natural wood effect but with all the extra benefits of luxury vinyl flooring. For this project, the customer chose a Summer Oak vinyl for the shop floor to create a wood effect flooring to ensure the natural textures of real wood with a Protectonite-PU layer for ease of cleaning and to be long-lasting.
First of all we had to remove the old flooring which in this case was made up of some old carpet tiles across two floors. This included a staircase where we also had to remove the old stair nosings. As part of the remit we were also required to dispose of all old coverings and fixings.
We then set to work installing 6mm plywood to the first floor followed by a damp proof membrane (DPM) to the ground floor as the majority of the ground floor had a concrete sub floor. By adding the membrane it ensured that no moisture would be able to penetrate through the flooring. It's important to give the membrane at least 12 to 24 to dry out properly. Once the DPM was dry we could use a aditex non-ammonia latex screed to level the floor, which was left until the next day to dry out fully.
After the preparation was complete we installed the Moduleo summer oak vinyl to the shop floor; both at ground level and the first floor. 6mm plywood was then applied to the staircase and also fitted with the same vinyl flooring along with new Gradus xt nosings. Finally the flooring was completed by fitting the Jaymart Polyrib matting to the front of the shop.
If you have any flooring requirements for schools or any other commercial space, please contact us to arrange a quote.